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2020 has challenged our community, often creating tension, division, and distance – both figuratively and literally. You and The Columbus Metropolitan Club know that respectful, open conversation can bridge these gaps, bringing the community together to learn from experts, understand other perspectives, and find commonalities. Conversation moves us forward.

For almost 45 years, The Columbus Metropolitan Club has convened important conversations in our community. Sometimes they are the ones we want to have. Sometimes they are the ones we need to have. Every time they offer the chance to become even more informed, engaged, and empathetic.

When the pandemic forced The Columbus Metropolitan Club to close down in-person gathering, we opened up to even more audiences through virtual weekly forums. Overcoming the distancing, it was essential to stay connected.

When the urgent need for racial and social justice came into clear focus, The Columbus Metropolitan Club convened a series of targeted conversations from many perspectives so that people could come together, to listen and to learn.

There’s never been a more important time for community conversation as we approach a critical election and a new chapter for our country. Steadfast in our mission, we will continue to convene forums that address issues and opportunities in our community. Together, with your support, we will keep the conversation going.

As we face great uncertainty and challenges both known and unknown, The Columbus Metropolitan Club is a powerful way to bring people and ideas together. We are adapting so that more people can join. We are evolving so that more people can learn. And we are expanding so that more people can be heard. Like you, we believe that conversation moves us forward. And we can’t do it without you.

Just as a conversation is stronger when more perspectives are included, The Columbus Metropolitan Club is stronger when more people are engaged. Please join us. Support The Columbus Metropolitan Club now and help us keep the conversation going.

Thank you for your ongoing support of the Community’s Conversation,



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