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Bruce Jones

Administrative Coordinator of the Gambling Intervention Program, Maryhaven, Inc.

Bruce Jones

Administrative Coordinator of the Gambling Intervention Program , Maryhaven, Inc.

Bruce Jones is a Licensed Social Worker and a Nationally-Certified Gambling Counselor Level II who has worked for Maryhaven since 2000. His positions at Maryhaven have consisted of working as an Alcohol, Tobacco and other Drug (AToD) counselor in Maryhaven’s Federal Program, Admissions Department, Adolescent Program, Tobacco Cessation Program, and Ambulatory Detoxification Program. For the last 8 years, Jones has been working with individuals, family members, and community in the Gambling Intervention Program.

Jones works with the Treatment Committee for the Ohio Chemical Dependency Professionals Board, is a board member on the Problem Gambling Network of Ohio and is a member of the State Advisory Board for Problem Gambling.

He received his Bachelors Degree in Social Work from Capital University.

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