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Planned Giving

As a passionate supporter of Columbus and the Columbus Metropolitan Club, you hold the power to strengthen and protect our community’s conversation by making a planned gift.

Planned gifts help donors make a significant gift, often larger than they thought possible, without giving up assets. They also may enable you to reduce or avoid paying capital gains taxes.

In turn, they help CMC fund its long-term goals, fund special projects, create sustainability, and help provide responsible and effective financial management.

All planned gifts are managed at the Columbus Foundation for optimal investment returns and security.

How to Create a Planned Gift

There are three easy methods for setting up your gift:

  1. A charitable bequest of any property (real or cash) as designated in a person’s will, naming CMC as a beneficiary to a specific asset or a percentage of their estate.
  2. Life insurance gifts, including whole life, universal, and other forms of policies. Donors can contribute all or part of a policy when CMC is named as a beneficiary. The donor retains ownership of the policy and has access to the policy’s cash value.
  3. Through a retirement plan, a donor can designate CMC as a full or partial beneficiary for a specific amount or percentage.

Please contact Sophia Fifnter at 614-266-9198 or to discuss planned giving.