Founder & Chief Mischief Maker, Idea Foundry
I’m an engineer, a materials scientist, and an accidental entrepreneur, no longer in that order. I worked for nearly ten years for a small software company as a “computational metallurgist”, during which time I realized that, although I could write computer programs that simulated manufacturing processes, I couldn’t actually make anything. That point was especially driven home when my artist sister (who has some beautiful opinions about art) schooled me in that regard… As a result, I became very envious of people who could create things with their hands, and I decided to become one of them. Since dad created a restaurant/nightclub called the Averof (in which I essentially grew up), and mom had a career in teaching (and taught me well!), I figured I’d blend my educational and geeky interests with my experience in the hospitality industry, and see if it was possible to create a new type of business – essentially a machine shop with a maitre d’… a place where people can feel warm and welcome to learn how to use novel equipment to explore new hobbies or businesses. Thus, I founded the Columbus Idea Foundry, which has primarily occupied me for the last few years. In a strange sense of family symmetry, my brother now manages an arts space near Boston (called 438 Somerville), which happens to house a hackerspace (p.Irateship), and also happens to be across the street from Artisans Asylum, a spectacular and inspiring makerspace. It’s a small world, and I’m glad to be a part of it!