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Andy Davis

Senior Director, Education and Outreach, Board Source

Andy Davis

Senior Director, Education and Outreach , Board Source

As BoardSource’s senior director of education and outreach, Andy Davis leads a team that is responsible for developing all of BoardSource’s educational content, including member education content and programming, training programs, publications, and session-level programming at the BoardSource Leadership Forum. He is a regular speaker and presenter on a wide range of board leadership topics and issues, and played a lead role in the development of BoardSource’s Measuring Fundraising Effectiveness Framework.

Prior to joining BoardSource more than a decade ago, Andy served as a professional development coordinator for Quality Enhancement for Non-Profit Organizations (QENO) in Wilmington, North Carolina. He holds a master’s degree in public administration with a concentration in nonprofit management from the University of North Carolina at Wilmington. Andy served as the chair of the national advisory council of AmeriCorps Alums and is a charter member of the selection committee for the Center for Nonprofit Advancement’s Board Leadership Awards.

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