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Anne Vogel

Director, Ohio Environmental Protection Agency

Anne Vogel

Director, Ohio Environmental Protection Agency

In December 2022, Governor Mike DeWine appointed Anne M. Vogel as the director of the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency. She most recently served as Policy Director for Governor DeWine during his first term, driving implementation of the DeWine/Husted agenda for Ohio. Chief among them is the creation and launch of H2Ohio, the Governor’s water quality initiative that brings together the Ohio EPA, Ohio Department of Agriculture and Ohio Department of Natural Resources to improve Ohio’s water quality through the creation of wetlands, the reduction in phosphorus runoff, and access to clean drinking water and quality sewer systems. Vogel also served as Infrastructure Coordinator for Governor DeWine, overseeing a cross-agency team charged with securing federal grants for infrastructure improvements across the state.

Director Vogel spent a decade at American Electric Power Company, with experience in both regulatory matters and operations. She was responsible for federal energy policy development in Washington. Following law school, Anne started her career as a litigator at the Columbus law firm of Porter Wright and subsequently clerked for Judge Sargus, U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Ohio.

Vogel holds a law degree from Capital University and an MBA from The Ohio State University.

Forums Featuring Anne Vogel

More Wetlands, Less Runoff, and Clean Water for All August 9, 2023

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