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Darrell M. West

Vice President of Governance Studies and Director of the Center for Technology Innovation, Brookings Institute

Darrell M. West

Vice President of Governance Studies and Director of the Center for Technology Innovation, Brookings Institute

Darrell M. West is the Vice President of Governance Studies and Director of the Center for Technology Innovation at the Brookings Institution. He holds the Douglas Dillon Chair in Governance Studies. His current research focuses on workforce issues, technology policy, artificial intelligence, and data analytics.

West is the author of 23 books and is the winner of the American Political Science Association’s Don K. Price award for best book on technology (for Digital Government) and the American Political Science Association’s Doris Graber award for best book on political communications (for Cross Talk).

His books have been translated into Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, and he has delivered nearly 150 lectures in a dozen different countries. He has been quoted in leading newspapers, radio stations, and national television networks around the world.

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