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Erika Clark Jones

CEO, Alcohol, Drug and Mental Health Board of Franklin County (ADAMH)

Erika Clark Jones

CEO , Alcohol, Drug and Mental Health Board of Franklin County (ADAMH)

Erika Clark Jones serves as the Chief Executive Officer of the Alcohol, Drug and Mental Health Board of Franklin County (ADAM-H), a levy-based government agency that partners with more than 30 non-profit service providers to offer community-based mental health and substance use disorder treatment and prevention programs in Franklin County.

During her tenure, ADAMH has helped to redefine and fund lifesaving pathways for those in crisis, including the design, forthcoming construction, and future operations of a $59M “no wrong door” Mental Health and Addiction Crisis Care Center.

A Columbus native, Erika’s experience spans public health, public affairs, public policy, community engagement, strategy development, execution and management. Erika’s career includes 19 years in the Office of the Mayor for the City of Columbus including time as Deputy Director of the Community Relations Commission, Policy Director and Director of the Office of Homeless Advocacy. Additionally, Erika led the CelebrateOne initiative to reduce infant mortality in central Ohio.

Erika has a bachelor’s degree from Capital University, a master’s degree in Public Policy and Administration from Northwestern University and is an MBA candidate at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. Erika is married with a blended family of 5 children and a dog named Keno.

Erika currently serves on the boards of Capital University, COTA, the Columbus YWCA and chairs the One Ohio Region 1 Committee to distribute opiate settlement funds.