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Greg Lawson

Research Fellow, The Buckeye Institute

Greg Lawson

Research Fellow, The Buckeye Institute

Greg R. Lawson is a Research Fellow at The Buckeye Institute and serves as its liaison to officials in the legislative and executive branches, educating policymakers on free-market solutions to Ohio’s challenges.

Lawson has nearly 20 years of experience, working closely on seven state budgets, and has a deep knowledge of state and local taxes, Medicaid, and education and transportation funding. He is the author of the Piglet Book, The Buckeye Institute’s biennial publication outlining areas of government waste, and develops Buckeye’s Top 10 Worst Capital Budget Requests list. He began his career in state policy as a legislative service commission fellow with the Ohio General Assembly.

Lawson received his Bachelor’s Degree in Communication and Media Studies with a Minor in Economics from The Ohio State University.

Forums Featuring Greg Lawson

Ohio’s Budget: “Follow the Money” February 6, 2019

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