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La Trice Washington, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Political Science, Otterbein University

La Trice Washington, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Political Science , Otterbein University

Dr. La Trice Washington is the Chair of the Department of History Political Science and a tenured Associate Professor of Political Science at Otterbein College in Westerville. She is the author of The Veteran’s Millennium Health Care Act of 1999: A Case Study of Role Orientations of Legislators, the President, and Interest Groups (University Press of America 2003), “The Civil Rights Act of 1968” in Affirmative Action, An Encyclopedia, ed. James Beckman, Oryx Press 2003, and “Americans United for Affirmative Action” in Affirmative Action, An Encyclopedia, ed. James Beckman, Oryx Press, 2003.

She is a disciple of the Mt. Olivet Baptist Church in Columbus, Ohio where she serves as a ministry leader of the Political and Judicial Awareness Ministry and Christ-Centered Discipleship (CCDM) Ministry.

Dr. Washington received her Bachelor of Arts degree from St. Augustine’s College, Master’s of Arts degree in constitutional law and state and local government, and Ph.D. in American government and public administration from Howard University.


Forums Featuring La Trice Washington, Ph.D.

Political Scientists: Implications of the Election November 11, 2020
Ohio Politics Pre Primary Analysis March 18, 2020