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Laura Bischoff

Journalist, Dayton Daily News

Laura Bischoff

Journalist , Dayton Daily News

Laura Bischoff has worked for the Dayton Daily News since 1995 and focuses on state and federal government. She has been assigned to the Statehouse bureau since 2001 and has broken stories on the public pension funds, Ohio State University, Ohio Medicaid and politicians of all stripes. Her work has earned her a number of state and national reporting honors. Prior to her current assignment, Bischoff worked as a business reporter and covered Dayton city hall. She previously covered local government for the Flint (Mich.) Journal. Bischoff was raised in Michigan and is a graduate of the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. She lives in Worthington with her husband and two sons.

Forums Featuring Laura Bischoff

Statehouse Rocked by Corruption August 5, 2020