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Lawrence Funderburke

Author ,

Former OSU and NBA, Basketball star

Lawrence Funderburke

Former OSU and NBA , Basketball star

Funderburke grew up on the West Side of Columbus in the Sullivant Gardens housing project of Columbus.He credits his escape from poverty to the three B’s – bible, books and basketball. At OSU, Funderburke was a star player and graduated magna cum laude with a finance degree, then played professional basketball for eleven years. Today, he is a speaker, author, entrepreneur including two social enterprises businesses, FunderMaxFitness, Its All Good Cookies, and the non-profit, the Lawrence Funderburke Youth Organization.  His wife Monya, shares the business responsibilities as well as mother to their two children.
Funderburke’s most recent book, Sociopsychonomics: How Social Classes Think, Act, and Behave Financially in the Twenty-First Century tackles the growing wealth divide in America. He explains that sociopsychonomics merges sociology, psychology and economics to explain shared mindsets or predispositions from a monetary perspective. He believes that these mindsets can be changed and he would like
to give others the tools that lead to financial stability by improving baseline deficits.

Forums Featuring Lawrence Funderburke

White Lies: The Truth About Segregation in America (2018) May 20, 2020