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Olivia Graham

High School Student-Athlete, Columbus School for Girls

Olivia Graham

High School Student-Athlete , Columbus School for Girls

Olivia Graham is a driven, passionate leader, shown through her experience at Columbus School for Girls as a Fellow with the Center for Girls and Young Women’s Leadership, service as a Gold Key Ambassador through the admissions department, and numerous roles on the executive board in the Columbus Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. She spent two consecutive summers working in a camp as a Digital Content Creator, finally with a position as Youth Lead, working with five students on marketing and branding. This past summer, she was selected as a Bank of America Student Leader with 300 other students from around the United States. As a Student Leader, she had the privilege of working with I Know I Can, a nonprofit organization that helps Columbus City School youth achieve their post-secondary goals. In the future, she plans to attend college and pursue a career in sports management as a sports agent.

Forums Featuring Olivia Graham

Gen Z Girls Lead The Way October 11, 2023