County Administrator, Madison County Commissioners Office
Rob Slane is a graduate of Bowling Green State University and earned his MBA from Walden University. Mr. Slane has held the positions of GIS Technician, GIS Analyst, GIS Coordinator, Network Administrator, and Chief Information Officer in an award winning career in local government that spans over 20 years. He is currently the County Administrator in Madison County and had had held that position for over 5 years. As County Administrator, Rob is the administrative head of the County under the direction of the Board of Commissioners, overseeing the administration, enforcement and execution of Board policies and Resolutions while providing overall direction to department heads and management under the Board’s jurisdiction. Supervising all departments beneath the umbrella of the Board of County Commissioners, Mr. Slane is known as the “go to guy” and excels in providing effective solutions to meet Madison County’s public service goals & objectives. Mr. Slane has presented informal comments and testimonial to the Ohio Power Siting Board, as well as, contributed on various advisory boards and participated in numerous public stakeholder meetings regarding solar project applications.