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Change Comes to the Heartland: OSU in the Sixties (2016)

This event has ended, but don't worry we have a new forum each week!

This forum was originally presented and recorded on December 7, 2016.

It’s been 50 years since student unrest rocked universities and communities with demands for change. Catalyzed by assassinations, a distant war and unhearing and misguided white male leadership, conflict was inevitable. While Kent State is the marker of these times unknown to many Ohio State and Columbus held witness to our own tragic events. How does a community respond in trying times? Panelists will explore how tensions built up over years, why they converged when they did, and how they forever changed the university.

Featuring Mabel Freeman, special advisor to the President, Columbus State Community College; Ray Miller, publisher, The Columbus African; Bill Patterson, consultant, Reputation Management Associates (RMA); and Bill Shkurti, former Vice President for Business and Finance, The Ohio State University.

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