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Future of News in a Digital World

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A January 7 Reuters article reports there are changes coming for news outlets and long-held public assumptions about journalists and media in general. The article reads, “Three-quarters (76%) of our sample of editors, CEOs, and digital leaders say Covid-19 has accelerated their plans for digital transition. Business plans include more remote working and a faster switch to reader-focused business models.” And, relative to the content, “Traditional notions of journalistic impartiality and objectivity are coming under pressure in an era of greater political and social polarization – with more partial news outlets set to launch this year.
“Despite this,” the article continues, “the vast majority (88%) of those surveyed, which includes a large number of senior editors, say that the concept of impartiality matters more than ever. At the same time, almost half (48%) agree that there are some political and social issues where it makes no sense to be neutral.” To the consumers and how they will consume, “Many argue that sustainable independent media require a different approach supported by multiple revenue streams. Our panel will discuss the changes COVID accelerated, which will be sustained into the future, and what news will look like as a result of these changes.

Featuring Alan Miller, Executive Editor, The Columbus Dispatch and Gannet Ohio Regional Editor, and Walker Evans, Co-Founder & CEO, Columbus Underground, and Denise Eck, News Director WCMH NBC4, with host, Ann Fisher, host, All Sides With Ann Fisher, WOSU Public Media.

JOIN US IN THE ROOM for this discussion on June 23, limited live audience seating is available  Please make reservations by Tuesday, June 22. We cannot accommodate walk ins.

You can also still join us on the CMC YouTube Channel to view and participate in the community conversation during this livestream event. We encourage you to register and support CMC by purchasing a virtual seat – different levels of support are available when you register! When you register, you can submit questions in advance.

We also ask you to consider making donations to CMC to support our mission of Connecting People and Ideas Through Community Conversation, even if you are unable to join us for this particular forum.


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