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Ohio Gun Policy: A Will and A Way

This event has ended, but don't worry we have a new forum each week!

Discussions and arguments on gun policy have become a part of every day political discourse. Unfortunately, so have mass shootings. A hot-button topic for many of Ohio’s elected officials, the recent mass murder in Dayton has propelled it to the forefront.

On August 6, Governor Mike DeWine released his 17-point gun policy that includes items such as expanded background checks and red flag laws. After the initial fanfare faded, many concerned citizens are left wondering if the State Legislature is going to act, as they have been reluctant to do up to this point.

Enter the Ohio Mayor’s Alliance (OMA), a bi-partisan group of mayors from 20 of Ohio’s largest cities. The group was formed to use their collective voices of Ohio’s urban and rural populations to inform and influence the state’s sometimes slow-moving legislature. OMA had already scheduled a visit to the Statehouse on September 18 to discuss the red-flag laws before the Dayton shootings took place. Now, their passion for change is even greater.

On September 11, we welcome Christina Muryn (Mayor of Findlay), David Scheffler (Mayor of Lancaster), and Ben Kessler (Mayor of Bexley) as they join host Andy Chow (Journalist at Ohio Statehouse News Bureau) to discuss their ideas on gun policy.

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