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Prescription for Change: Solving Ohio's Healthcare Worker Shortage - SOLD OUT -LIVESTREAM ONLY

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Optimal Health Series

Few industries in Central Ohio can currently meet their present and medium-term staffing needs, with healthcare among the hardest-pressed sectors. The region’s healthcare giants are galloping to keep up with Central Ohio’s urban and suburban growth, building new facilities that will need to be staffed by legions of trained professionals, including physicians, nurses, technicians, and specialists. As reported in Columbus Business First, Central Ohio’s four major hospital systems are currently struggling to fill more than 2,200 vacant nursing positions alone. Rural Ohioans too are suffering from the ill effects of too-few healthcare professionals, with “care deserts” leaving entire counties without critical specialists. What is being done to close this enormous gap and meet the employment needs of Ohio’s healthcare providers and patients?

Featuring Todd Ambrosia, DNP, MSN, MBA, FNP-BC, FNAP, President, Mount Carmel College of Nursing, Karen Rose, Ph.D., RN, FGSA, FAAN, Dean, The Ohio State University College of Nursing, Susan Beaudry, Vice President, Osteopathic Heritage Foundations, and Chynna Smith, D.O., Family Medicine Resident, OhioHealth Dublin Methodist Hospital, with host Greg Moody, Director of Professional Development, The John Glenn College of Public Affairs, The Ohio State University.

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