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Dispatch Leaders on the Future of Journalism

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Founded in 1871, The Columbus Dispatch remains the only mainstream daily newspaper in Ohio’s capital city. Newspaper leaders have witnessed enormous and dramatic changes over the past decades to how news in America is gathered, shared, and accessed. We’ll explore the current and future state of “Ohio’s Greatest Home Newspaper” and journalism’s trajectory with a multigenerational panel featuring new Executive Editor Edwina Blackwell Clark and Opinion and Community Engagement Editor Amelia Robinson, plus two onstage interviewers from the Ohio State University: Jessica Langer, Editor in Chief of The Lantern, and Nicole Kraft, Associate Professor with the School of Communication.

Featuring Edwina Blackwell Clark, Executive Editor, The Columbus Dispatch, and Amelia Robinson, Opinion and Community Engagement Editor, The Columbus Dispatch, with hosts Jessica Langer, Editor in Chief, Lantern Media Group, The Ohio State University, and Nicole Kraft, Ed.D., Associate Professor, School of Communication, The Ohio State University.


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