This event has ended, but don't worry we have a new forum each week!
Join us for the first part of a groundbreaking two-part CMC forum! For the first time since 2019, the all-new Columbus Foundation Community Benchmarking Report has measured how Central Ohio compares to more than 20 peer regions across more than 50 metrics and indices. Building on more than a decade of community tracking, this newest research across a range of metrics offers a clear window to understanding how Central Ohio stacks up to comparable metro areas and gives us one of the best snapshots of where our region finds itself on this side of the COVID-19 pandemic. The findings dive deeply into five overall categories – population vitality, economic strength, personal prosperity, lifelong learning, and overall community wellbeing. In this first of two forums, we’ll reflect on the results of the last benchmarking study in 2019 before diving deep into the findings of the first two categories: Population Vitality & Economic Strength – to see how Central Ohio measures up to its peers.
Featuring Matt Martin, Director of Community Research, The Columbus Foundation; Kenny McDonald, President and CEO, One Columbus, Padmini Roy-Dixon, Economic Development Director & Regional Innovation Officer, MORPC, and with moderator Doug Buchanan, Editor in Chief, Columbus Business First.
Check out our special price offered for members and guests who wish to register for both forums in this two-part series. Select the registration buttons for additional details and to take advantage of this deal!
Photographs by: Benhur Ayettey