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Why Kindness Matters (2018)

This event has ended, but don't worry we have a new forum each week!

This forum was originally presented and recorded on March 14, 2018.

This forum originally aired in 2018 to discuss why kindness matters to a community – how it not only creates positive interactions, but also resiliency and strength for individuals and the communities where they live.

Join us on YouTube and Facebook to revisit this discussion and share your thoughts about how the world has changed in the three-and-a-half years since this forum originally took place.

Featuring Kathy Krendl, immediate past President, Otterbein University; Rocky Grimes, Founder of Heart Unlimited Boundaries; Dwight Smith, Chairman & CEO of Sophisticated Systems and Founder of My Special Word. Hosted by Kelley Griesmer, President & CEO, The Women’s Fund of Central Ohio

Register for today’s forum to stay up to date with the latest from CMC and to learn more about upcoming forums. 

CMC will continue with regularly scheduled programming with forums being live-streamed via YouTube and Facebook, free of charge. We encourage you to engage in the Facebook conversation using the comment section.

CMC Facebook Page

CMC YouTube Channel

We ask members to consider making donations to CMC to offset the loss of revenue during this crisis.  

Watch The Recordings

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